July 07, 2012

Wicked, Winter Weekend

What about this amazing weather? It really does inspire you to get outside and appreciate all that this beautiful country has to offer.

The mornings continue to be bitter cold, so cold that it has very vivid memories of freezing Aberdeen mornings when you couldn't feel your fingers or toes until lunch time! It's not that bad!, but until the sun squeezes over the tree tops it's very close...


Finn and Murphy on the early morning paddock chase, I just got lucky with this one, but it's a cracker.. Finn usually drops the ball after a while because Murphy won't give up the chase.

Morning Moon

It is quite stunning when all that is before you is pure nature and it can take your breath away with moments like this!

Brussels Sprouts anyone?

We were just talking about the childhood (and some adults still) that is you had to name the top "I'm not eating that!" vegetable, it would be Brussels every time, but not us, big fans all the way.

Funny Scottish story time:
So, traditionally, to have a full belly at the stoke of midnight on Hogmanay is good luck for the year to come, basically, you will never be hungry, kinda nice eh?... ok, so picture 5 kids, Mum & Dad in their Glasgow tenement, huddled around the kitchen table that has been put into the living room and has a bonny table cloth placed over it. The best table wear is all set and we are in our good clothes, Mum and my older sister have been slaving away in the kitchen for hours preparing the Hogmanay feed, did I tell you this is tradition? which means, we had been doing this for ever, picture a 6, 7,9,11 & 15 year old all trying to stay awake until 11 - 11.30 at night and then try and eat a massive plate of food, but, I can tell ya, I have only fond memories of these special times, we never had much money , but we never went hungry either. Brussels sprouts were always on the table!

The Special Friendship:

Murphy and Kodak have a beautiful connection and will often just nod off together.

Dust Nuisance?

Recently I contacted council about the dust that cars churn up as they speed along our road... I asked if the roadway outside the properties along this road could be tar sealed, do you know that unless 300 vehicles pass a property daily you don't fall into Tar seal land! So, we got a sign saying " Dust Nuisance" it's purpose is to indicate to drivers they will cause dust nuisance if they drive to fast and to be respectful.
Seemingly there is Dust Nuisance and Nuisance Dust - one is created by driving over non sealed roads at speed, the other is an airborne pollutant ( confused?, I was). So, we live with our sign.

Weekend Washing

Brooke washing the house in the glorious sunshine, good girl.

Chicken run expanded.

We were thinking about extending the chock area to include the bath and trees, and on Saturday we did the very thing. They love it, the bath is really dry underneath, and they have created their own dust bath under the bath... Clever chooks! I even hung a wee gate.The wee Bantams are laying really well, we are just loving them so much.

Last word:

We watched The most exotic Marigold Hotel last night, it was really good and Judy Dench character reminded me of my Mum, they are about the same age, watch it if you can.

So, that's my weekend my friends, I hope whatever you did and whoever you were with has happiness and good memories as the outcome.

Thought for the day:

"It will be alright in the end, if it's not alright, then it's not the end"

See ya!



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