November 27, 2012


We are really happy with our choices of late. Our new plan that I shared in my last post was to buy preloved furniture that could look good in our place.... with a little tweakin that is! So, we purchased a brown tall boy, good condition, good size and the drawers worked well, we then took a wee bit of time had fun with a sander and paint, then distressed it a bit and hey presto! In a 24 hour period   

It went from this

To this..not bad eh!

Kitchen choices

We had plans drawn up by several companies for a new kitchen, although we did like what we saw, we know what, we can do so many other cool things with the money a new kitchen costs, let's have a go and do our own thing, doing this means were not giving our money to someone else for a job that we can at least try to do ourselves, right?
Good choice! so, yes you got it, we bashed, scraped, sanded and painted what we had with the end goal being to achieve a lived in kitchen look with as many authentic features as possible. We are still working on this, but here is a wee sneak preview of how we are doing.

Pantry gone, shelving ripped out, great fun.

Result - paint throughout, old ladder as pot hanger

Cost: $111 + labour.


The ever expanding flock.
Mama 1 has officially abandoned black beauty, she is now on her own and doin just fine, we were a little worried at the start because we thought she wouldn't, even couldn't do well on her own, well not quite yet anyway. But alas, here lies the divide between humans and animals, we think we know what's best and they know what best for them. Brooke has been encouraging her to come close and it's just lovely to watch the interaction.
Mama 2 has a flock of 5, we actually bought 5 baby chicks from a local breeder and gave them to Mama 2 at night time to 'do her thing'. She is an amazing Mum, probably better than Mama 1. The wee ones are even having a wee fly if Mama gets to far away from them, instead of running, they just do a bit of a superman and run then take off, often landing on her back. It's beautiful. They all mingle with the residents in the day time and at night time Mama takes them all to the their own beds to sleep under her protective wings.

Vege garden gone wild! woo hoo..

This is indeed a dream come true. Having all of your own vege's at hand and fresh as, is just so amazing. Salads every night, the beans are so tasty and crunchy. Brooke has officially gained title of Miss green fingers, she tells me her Grandfather had green fingers, she certainly is producing some great results. The tomatoes and flowering, so watch this space...

Green is good



Wild roses, just growing around the place..


Murphy Brown has  had enough for the day.


I've got much more to share with you friends, check in next time and see the progress on the Cottage beside the tracks....look after each other.





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